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Interior Powerplant Exhibits

Teaming with Chad Devore of The Resource Connection, Xplore was tasked with all concepting, 2-D panel design, cabinetry design, scale models, and audio re-creations. Featuring a large 5' x 8' 3D raised-relief map, a working scale model generator, infographics explaining hydroelectricity, exterior kiosk panels, and a host of other interpretive panels.

F.O Stanley broke ground for the hydroelectric plant in 1908. By the time the Stanley Hotel opened for business in 1909, the plant generated enough power to allow the hotel to proclaim itself the first “all electric” hotel in the country. 


Originally intended to power only the Stanley Hotel, the plant soon became an important part of the town’s progress in the early 1900s. Ironically, the power of water pulled the plug on the Fall River Hydroelectric Plant during the 1982 Lawn Lake Flood. Raging waters filled with debris slammed into the plant and became a battering ram that destroyed the north walls. However, the huge and heavy equipment likely saved the rest of the building from complete destruction.


The vision of restoring the plant to a museum came from the Town of Estes Park, The Rocky Mountain National Park, and various special interest groups. In order to preserve the rich history of the plant, a grant from the State Historical Fund provided 60% of the restoration funds, and the Town of Estes Park provided the remaining 40%. These monies and vision provided by the whole design team allowed us to develop interactive and informative exhibits that the whole family can now enjoy!

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